curious builders

A Solarpunk Dream


Imagine a simple hut in the middle of nature. Solar power. Drone delivery. Electric self-driving car. Autonomous robot(s) helping with maintenance.

This is my dream.

Maybe we’ll have big cities. Maybe we won’t (we probably will - and they can be amazing too!). But my dream is to have small outposts in a sea of nature. Small communities connected by technology. Some year round residences and some just for visiting.

I know small huts in nature already exists today — I love spending time in them. But up until recently you’d give up a lot to live in one.

Starlink has made it possible to stay highly connected anywhere. Improvements in solar and batteries has made off grid power much better. And you can get all you need delivered to your door - although not by robots yet. I’m guessing remote delivery is still worse than what I experience living in a city. But it will improve I’m sure - just see what Zipline is doing.

Connectivity and power are almost already solved. And it will only get better. A bigger challenge in my country is farmland. Denmark is all farmland. There is barely any nature left. About 60% (!!) of this beautiful country is used for farming.

How do we solve that? Politics could help. But this website isn’t about politics. I want to see how Nature+Technology may help us. I may be naive, but I think improvements in technology is the way to solve this problem too. Vertical farming, artificial meat, something along those lines. If we get that working we don’t need to destroy our beautiful nature — instead we can start to rebuild.

There are more challenges for sure. I want to explore them as well. But overall I don’t think my dream is that far off. The future is exciting and I want to do my small part nudging it in a direction I want to experience.


Nature+Tech. Nature+Progress.

Building the life I want.

Building the future I want to see.