curious builders

Building the Life I Want


So I have this dream. Something to aspire to.

Maybe we can build a world like that — maybe something equally good but not entirely as I have imagined it. That’s fine.

But I want to move towards something like it.

How can I do my small part making it come true?

I’m not going to start a business. That’s not for me. Politics really isn’t for me either.

Thinking about my dream scenario, I’ve started to realize it is closer than it may appear at first. Sure, we don’t have all the fancy tech I would love to see. But all of that isn’t really needed. My dream is more about spending time in nature. The naive thinking behind the tech is that it would make that easier. Maybe it will, maybe it won’t.

But this line of thinking is much like my post on Abundance Now — we already live in a world with more than enough.

I find this quote is fitting:

Success is having everything you need and doing everything you want. It is not doing everything you need to have everything you want. Manifesto

I want the cool tech. But I don’t need it.

So where does that leave me? I still like the Solarpunk dream as an aspiration. But what I really need to work on is my own life.

Building the life I want.

I don’t need to wait for the tech to arrive. The future is already here.

The way I want to push myself is with more experiments and challenges. Concrete things. Here is what I have come up with (for now):

  1. Challenge myself and write about it
  2. (Encourage others to do the same)

This way I:

  1. Build the life I want
  2. (Build the future I want to see by helping other people achieve their potential as well)

I achieve more of my potential and I try to help other people do the same. I know the first part can work. The second part is more debatable — I’m not entirely sure what that looks like yet.

To work on all of this I have started a new project: Outpost v2. Go check it out.